Sunday, April 3, 2016

Saïd. Bibliographie.

1.      “The Letters and Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad.” Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University, 1964.
2.      “Conrad, Nostromo Record and Reality.” In John Unterecker, ed., Approaches to the Twentieth Century Novel, pp. 108-152. New York: Crowell, 1965.
3.      “Configuration of Themes.” Review of J. Hillis Miller’s Poets of Reality: Six Twentieth Century Writers. Nation (May 30, 1966), 202(22):659-661.
4.      Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
5.      “A Sociology of Mind.” Review of Lucien Goldmann’s The Hidden God: A Study of Tragic Vision in the Pensées of Pascal and the Tragedies of Racine. Partisan Review (Summer 1966), 33(3): 444-448.
6.      “Endgames.” Review of Frank Kermode’s The Sense of an Ending. Book Week (April 30, 1967), 4(34):4, 13, 18.
7.      “Labyrinth of Incarnations: The Essays of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Kenyon Review (January 1967), 29(1):54-68.
8.      Review of John Middleton Murry’s Jonathan Swift. Book Week (July 1, 1967).
9.      “Sense and Sensibility.” Review of R.P. Blackmur’s A Primer of Ignorance, E.D. Hirsch’s Validity in Interpretation and Georges Poulet’s The Metamorphoses of the Circle. Partisan Review ( Fall 1967), 34(4):627-633.
10.   “The Totalitarianism of Mind.” Review of Claude Lévi-Strauss’ The Savage Mind. Kenyon Review (March 1967), 29(2) [114]:256-268.
11.   “Vico: Autodidact and Humanist.” Centennial Review (Summer 1967), 11(3):336-352.
12.   “Amateur of the Insoluble.” Review of E.M. Cioran’s The Temptation to Exist. Centennial Review (Winter 1968-69), 21(4):
13.   “Beginnings.” Salmagundi (Fall 1968), 2(4):36-55.
14.   Review of Bernard C. Meyer’s Joseph Conrad: A Psychoanalytic Biography. JEGP (January 1968), 67(1):174- 178.
15.   (With Maire Said.) Translator and Introduction Erich Auerbach’s “Philology and Weltliteratur.” Centennial Review (Winter 1969), 13(1):1-17.
16.   “Swift’s Tory Anarchy.” Eighteenth-Century Studies (Fall 1969), 3:48-66.
17.   “The Arab Portrayed.” In Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., The Arab-Israeli Confrontation of June 1967: An Arab Perspective, pp. 1-9. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970.
18.   “Beginnings.” In George Plimpton and Peter Ardery, eds., The American Literary Anthology, 3: The Third Annual Collection of the Best from the Literary Magazines, pp. . New York: 1970. See “Beginnings” (1968).
19.   “The Crisis in the Middle East: An Exchange.” Columbia Forum (Spring 1970), 13(1):45. Reply to Sholomo Avineri’s response to Said’s “The Palestinian Experience” (1970).
20.   “Eight Books on Conrad.” Victorian Studies (June 1970), 13(4):429-433. A review.
21.   “Introduction” to Three Novels by Joseph Conrad, pp. vii-xvi. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
22.   “Narrative: Quest for Origins and Discovery of the Mausoleum.” Salmagundi (Spring 1970), 12:63-75.
23.   “Notes on the Characterization of a Literary Text.” MLN (December 1970), 85(6):765-790.
24.   “The Palestinian Experience.” In Herbert Mason, ed., Reflections on the Middle East Crisis, pp. 127-147. Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, 7. The Hague & Paris: Mouton, 1970.
25.   “The Palestinian Experience.” Columbia Forum (Winter 1970).
26.   “A Palestinian Voice.” The Middle East Newsletter (October-November 1970), 4(8):11.
27.   “A Standing Civil War.” Review of Phillip Knightley’s and Colin Simpson’s The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia. Hudson Review (Winter 1970-71), 23(4):759-766.
28.    “Abecedarium Culturae: Structuralism, Absence, Writing.” TriQuarterly (1971), 20:3371.
29.   “The Future of Palestine: A Palestinian View.” In Abdeen Jabara and Janice Terry, eds., The Arab World from Nationalism to Revolution, pp. . AAUG Monograph Series, 3. Wilmette, Ill.: Medina University Pre ss International, 1971.
30.   “George Steiner’s Extraterritorial: Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution.” New York Times Book Review (August 1, 1971):1.
31.   “Linguistics and the Archeology of Mind.” International Philosophical Quarterly (March 1971), 11(1):104-134.
32.   “Molestation and Authority in Narrative Fiction.” In J. Hillis Miller, ed., Aspects of Narrative: Selected Papers from the English Institute, pp. 47-68. New York: Columbia University Pr ess, 1971.
33.   “Les Palestiniens face aux responsabilites de la defaite; la prolongation du conflit entre Israel et les pays Arabes.” Le Monde Diplomatique (October 1, 1971) :5.
34.   “What is Beyond Formalism?” MLN (December 1971), 86(6):933-945.
35.   “Abecedarlum Culturae: Structuralism, Absence, Writing.” In John K. Simon, ed., Modern French Criticism: From Proust and Valery to Structuralism, pp. 341-392. Chicago: University of Ch icago Press, 1972. See “Abecedarlum Culturae: Structuralism, Absence, Writing” (1971).
36.   “Eclecticism and Orthodoxy in Criticism.” Review of Ihab Hassan’s The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a Postmodern Literature. Diacritics (Spring 1972), 2(1):2-8. For Hassan’s reply see Part B, and see also Said’s “Response” (1973).
37.   “A Good Man Against Theories.” Review of Paul Goodman’s Speaking and Language: Defence of Poetry. New York Times Book Review (February 20, 1972): 21-22.
38.   “Introduction.” In Arthur Conan Doyle’s Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. New York: Washington Square Press, 1972.
39.   “Michel Foucault as an Intellectual Imagination.” Boundary 2 (Fall 1972), 1(1):1-36.
40.   Review of Roland Barthes’ Critical Essays and Mythologies. New York Times Book Review (July 30, 1972):5, 15.
41.   “Al-Tamanu’ wa al-Tajanub wa al-Ta’aruf.” [Witholding Avoidance, Recognition] Mawagif (March 1972).
42.   “Al-Yasar al-Amriki wa al-Qadaya al-Filastiniyyah.” Shu’un Filastiniyyah (March 1972), 7:208-212.
43.   “Arabs and Jews.” New York Times (October 14, 1973).
44.   Editor (with Fuad Suleiman.) The Arabs Today: Alternatives for Tomorrow. Columbus, OH: Forum Associates, 1973. Includes an Introduction by Said on pp. 5-7. Essays presented at the 4th annual convention o f Arab-American University Graduates, held in Boston, October 29-31, 1971.
45.   “On Originality.” In Monroe Engel, ed., Uses of Literature, pp. 49-65. Harvard English Studies, 4. Harvard University Press, 1973.
46.   “Response.” Diacritics (Spring 1973), 3(1):53-56. Response to Ihab Hassan’s “Polemic.” See Part B under Hassan.
47.   “The Text as Practice and as Idea.” MLN (December 1973), 88(6):1071-1101.
48.   “The Arab Mind.” [Letter] Commentary (May 1974), 57(5):4, 6. On Gil Carl Alroy’s “Do the Arabs Want Peace?” Commentary (February 1974), 57(2):56-61. Gil Carl Alroy’s reply is on pp. 6-7 of the same issue as Said’s letter.
49.   “Arabic Prose and Fiction Since 1948: An Introduction.” In Halim Barakat’s Days of Dust, pp. ix-xxxiv. Trevor Le Gassick, tr. Wilmette, IL: Medina University Press International, 1974.
50.   “Arabs and Jews: Possibility of Concord.” Journal of Palestine Studies (1974), 3(2):314. See “Arabs and Jews” (1973).
51.   “Arabs and Jews.” Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Information Papers, No. 11, January 13-24 North Dartmouth, Mass.: Association of ArabAmerican University Graduates, 1974. Originally delivered at the 6th annual convention of the Association, held in Washington, D.C., October 19-21, 1973.
52.   “Conrad: The Presentation of Narrative.” Novel (Winter 1974), 7(2):116-132.
53.   “An Ethics of Language.” Review of Michel Foucault’s The Archeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Diacritics (Summer 1974), 4(2):28-37.
54.   “A French Marxist Explains the Mysterious Near East.” Review of Maxime Rodinson’s Islam and Capitalism. New York Times Book Review (November 10, 1974):4.
55.   “Getting to the Roots.” American Report (November 26, 1973).
56.   “Notes on the Characterization of a Literary Text.” In Richard Macksey, ed., Velocities of Change: Critical Essays from `MLN’, pp. 32-57. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. See “Not es on the Characterization of a Literary Text” (1970).
57.   “An Open Letter to the Israelis.” Newsweek International (December 12, 1974).
58.   “U.S. Policy and the Conflict of Powers in the Middle East.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1974).
59.   Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Basic Books, 1975. Won the first annual Lionel Trilling Award given at Columbia University.
60.   “Chomsky and the Question of Palestine.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Spring 1975), 4(3):91-104.
61.   “Contemporary Fiction and Criticism.” TriQuarterly (Spring 1975), 33:231-256.
62.   “Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924).” In Martin Tucker and Rita Stern, eds., Modern British Literature. Vol. 4: Supplement, pp. New York: Ungar, 1975. See Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (1966), pp. 12-13.
63.   (With Leila Meo.) Lebanon: Two Perspectives. Arab World Issues, Occasional Papers, 1. Detroit, Mich.: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, 1975.
64.   Review of Harold Bloom’s A Map of Misreading. New York Times Book Review (April 13, 1975):23- 25.
65.   “Shattered Myths.” In Naseer H. Aruri, ed., 1973, pp. 408-447. AAUG Monograph Series, 6. Wilmette, IL: The Medina University Press Inte rnational, 1975. Abridged version appeared as “Orientalism and the October War: The Shattered Myths,” in Arabs in America, pp. 83-112.
66.   “The Text, the World, the Critic.” Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Fall 1975), 8(2):1-23.
67.   “Arabs and Jews.” Bulletin of Peace Proposals (1976), 7(4):295-296.
68.   “Arabs, Islam and the Dogmas of the West.” New York Times Book Review (October 31, 1976):4-5, 35-37. A review of 11 recent books on Islam, including the Cambridge History of Islam.
69.   “Between Chance and Determinism.” Review of Bela Kiralyfalvi’s György Lukács. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (February 6, 1976), 3856:126-127. See Martin Eve, J.W. Pa yne and Grahame White in Part B.
70.   “Conrad and Nietzsche.” In Norman Sherry, ed., Joseph Conrad: A Commemoration, pp. 65-76. Papers from the 1974 International Conference on Conrad. London: Macmillan, 1976.
71.   “Interview with Diacritics.” Diacritics (Fall 1976), 6(3):30-47.
72.   “On Repetition.” In Angus Fletcher, ed., The Literature of Fact: Selected Papers from the English Institute, pp. 135-158. Papers from the two sessions of the Institute held ln 1974 and New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.
73.   “The Palestinians and American Policy.” In Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., Detroit, Michigan, Information Papers, No. 11, January 1976
74.   “Two Studies on the Palestinians Today and American Policy,” pp. 1976.
75.   “Raymond Schwab and the Romance of Ideas.” Daedalus (Winter 1976), 105(l):151167.
76.   Reply to Letters on Review. New York Times Book Review (December 12, 1976):36. See “Arabs, Islam and the Dogmas of the West” (1976).
77.   “Roads Taken and Not Taken in Contemporary Criticism.” Contemporary Literature (1976), 17:327-348.
78.   “Summary of Statement,” “Prepared Statement of Edward W. Said,” (with Abu Lughod) “Questions and Discussion.” In U.S. Congress. House. Special Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on International Relations. The Palestini an Issue in Middle East Peace Efforts, pp. 28-31, 31-36, 36-62. Hearings. 94th Cong., 1st sess., September 30, 1975. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.
79.   “Under Western Eyes.” Review of M.M. Badawi’s A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (December 10, 1976), 3900:15591560. See M.M. Badawi and S.B. Bushrui in Part B.
80.   “Vico on the Discipline of Bodies and Texts.” MLN (October 1976), 91(5):817-826.
81.   “Conrad and Nietzsche.” In Norman Sherry, ed., 65-76. Papers from the 1974 International Conference on Conrad. New York:
82.   “Israel and the Controversial Palestinians.” Boston Globe (December 27, 1977):23.
83.   “Orientalism.” Georgia Review (Spring 162-206.)
84.   “Palestinians. “ New York Times (October 6, 1977), 127 (43,720):A27. Op-Ed page.
85.   “Renan’s Philological Laboratory.” In Quentin Anderson, Stephen Donadio and Steven Marcus, eds., Art, Politics, and Will: Essays in Honor of Lionel Trilling, pp. 59-98. New York: 1977.
86.   “Roads Taken and Not Taken in Contemporary Criticism.” In Murray Krieger and L.S. Dembo, eds., Directions for Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives, pp. 33-54. Madison: 1977. See “Roads Taken and Not Taken in Contemporary Criticism” (1976).
87.   “The Arab Right Wing.” In Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Information Paper, No. 21, September 1978, “Reaction and Counterreaction in the Contemporary Arab World,” pp. 1-6. Detroit, Michigan: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, 1978.
88.   Beginnings: Intention and Method. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Reprint of the edition published by Basic Books in 1975.
89.   “The Idea of Palestine in the West.” Middle East Research and Information Project [Merip Reports] (September 1978), 8(7)[70]:3- 11.
90.   “Israel’s Thirty Years.” New Statesman (May 12, 1978), 95(2460):633-634.
91.   (With others.) “New York Jew.” [Letter] New York Times Book Review (June 25, 1978) :56. Letter disputes Alfred Kazin’s depiction of Lionel Trilling.
92.   Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; Toronto: Random House, 1978. Runner-up in the criticism category of the National Book C ritics Circle Award.
93.   “The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.” Critical Inquiry (Summer 1978), 4 (4):673-714.
94.   “Rhetorical Questions.” New Statesman (May 12, 1978).
95.   “The Acre and the Goat.” New Statesman (May 11, 1979), 97(2512):685-688.
96.   “Edward Said.” [Sound recording] P.L.O. Series. Los Angeles: Pacifica Tape Library, 1979. 1 sound cassette (64 min.): 1 7/8 ips.
97.   “An Exchange on Deconstruction and History.” Boundary 2 (Fall 1979), 8(1):65-74. With Marie-Rose Logan, Eugenio Donato, William Warner and Stephen Crites.
98.   “Exchange on Orientalism.” New Republic (1979), 180(20):39-40.
99.   “Islam, Orientalism and the West: An Attack on Learned Ignorance.” Time (April 16, 1979), 113(16):54.
100.          Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books, 1979. A paperback reprint of the 1978 edition published by Pantheon Books.
101.          Orientalism. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1979. Canadian edition of Orientalism (1978).
102.          “La Paix maintenant? Les Temps Modernes (September 1979), 34(398):439-518. Arab-Israeli Colloquium, Paris, March 14-15, 1979. Discussion with the participation of Edward Said, Jean-Paul Sartre, et al.
103.          The Palestine Question and the American Context. Institute for Palestine Studies Papers, 1. Beirut: Institute for Palestine Studies, 1979.
104.          “The Palestinian Mission.” New York Times (November 19, 1979), 129(44,406):A27. Op-Ed page. Adapted from The Question of Palestine (1979).
105.          “`Palestinian Prospects Now’: Edward Said Speaks with Mark Bruzonsky.” [Interview] Worldview (May 1979), 22(5):4- 10.
106.          The Question of Palestine. New York: Times Books, 1979.
107.          “Rashid Hussein.” In Kemal Boullata and Mirène Ghossein, eds., The World of Rashid Hussein: A Palestinian Poet in Exile, pp. . AAUG Monograph Series, 12. Detroit: Arab- American University Graduates, 1979.
108.          “Reflections on Recent American `Left’ Literary Criticism.” Boundary 2 (Fall 1979), 8(1):11-30.
109.          “The Text, the World, the Critic.” In Josué Harari, ed., Textual Strategies: Perspectives on Post-Structuralist Criticism, pp. 161-188. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1979.
110.          “Whose Islam?” New York Times (January 29, 1979), 128(44,112):A17. Op-Ed page.
111.          “Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims.” Social Text (Winter 1979), 1:7-58. Revised and reprinted in The Question of Palestine (1979), pp. 56- 114.
112.          “Bitter Dispatches from the Third World.” Review of V.S. Naipaul’s The Return of Eva Peron; with The Killings in Trinidad. Nation (May 3, 1980), 230(17):522-525.
113.          “Crossing the Barrier.” Review of Maxine Rodinson’s Marxism and the Muslim World, W. Montgomery Watt’s What is Islam? (2d ed.), and Albert Hourani’s Europe and the Middle East. New Statesman (June 6, 1980), 99(2568 ):”Iran.” Columbia Journalism Review (March-April 1980), 18(6):23-33. See in Part B. Watson Sims and Bernard D. Nossiter for letters occasioned by this piece. See the next item for Said’s reply.
114.          “Iran -- Reply.” [Letter] Columbia Journalism Review (May-June 1980), 19(1):84.
115.          “Islam, the Philological Vocation, and French Culture: Renan and Massignon.” In Malcolm H. Kerr, ed., Islamic Studies: A Tradition and Its Problems, pp. 53-72. 7th Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, 1979. Malibu, California.: Undena Publications, 1980.
116.          “Islam Through Western Eyes.” Nation (April 26, 1980), 230(16):488-492.
117.          “Literary Lives. “ Review of Ian Watt’s Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. New York Times Book Review (March 9, 1980), 85:1, 23-24.
118.          Editor. Literature and Society. Selected papers from the English Institute, 1978, nev ser., 3. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. Includes a preface by Said, pp. vii-xi.
119.          “Looking Beyond Autonomy Talks.” Newsday (May 18, 1980).
120.          “L’Orient, fantasme de l’Occident. “ Interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun. Le Monde (December 7-8, 1980), 11152:xv.
121.          Orientalism. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. Paperback reprint of Orientalism (1978).
122.          L’Orientalisme: l’Orient crée par l’Occident. Catherine Malamoud, tr. Preface by Tzvetan Todorov. Paris: Éditions du Seull, 1980. French Translation of Orientalism (1978).
123.          “The Palestine Question and the American Context.” Arab Studies Quarterly (Spring 1980), 29(2):127-149.
124.          “The Palestinian People’s First Priority.” [Letter] New York Times (June 22, 1980), 129(44,622):E20. Comments on New York Times (June 15, 1980) editorial entitled “A Minor League Mideast Gam e.”
125.          “Peace and Palestinian Rights.” Trialogue (Summer- Fall 1980), 24:12-15.
126.          “The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.” In Morris Philipson and Paul J. Gudel, eds., Aesthetics Today, pp. 87-133. Nev York: New American Library, A Meridian Book, 1980.See “The Pro blem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions”(1978).
127.          ‘al-Qadiyah al-Fllsstiniyah wa-al-mujitama’ al-Amriki. Beirut: Mu’assasat al-Dirasat alFilastiniyah, 1980. Arabic translation of “The Palestine Question and the American Context” (1979).
128.          The Question of Palestine. New York: 1980. Paperback reprint of the 1979 edition.
129.          “Responses-I. “ New Leader (August 11, 19-20. Said responds to Cynthia Ozick’s “Carter and the Jews,” New Leader (June 30, 1980). See Part B for Ozick’s piece and her rejoinder.
130.          Review of Leila Ahmed’s Edward W. Lane: A Study of His Life and Work and of British Ideas of the Middle East in the Nineteenth Century. Middle East Journal (Summer 1980) 34(3):364-365.
131.          “Tourism Among the Dogs.” Review of Peter Stansky’s and William Abrahams’ Orwell: The Transformation. New Statesman (January 18, 93-94.
132.          “What is the Future for the Palestinians?” New Society (December 18-25, 1980), 54(944):544-546.
133.          “The Arabs Should Face Their Real Priorities.” New York Times (June 21, 1981), 130 (44,986):E23. Op-Ed page.
134.          “A Changing World Order: The Arab Dimension.” Arab Studies Quarterly (Spring 1981), 3(2):198-202. Parts taken from Covering Islam (1981).
135.          “Covering Islam.” TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (1981), 4104:1393. Rejoinder to M.E. Yapp’s review of Covering Islam (1981); see Part B.
136.          Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World. New York: Pantheon; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
137.          “Crazy America.” London Review of Books (March l9-April 1, 1981), 3(5):11-12.
138.          “Darkness at Noon in the States.” Guardian (Manchester, England) (March 23, 1981):17. On Palestinians in the U.S.
139.          “Edward Said Replies.” Harper’s Magazine (March 1981), 262(1570):5-6. Replies to letters by Harold Wershow, Zarko G. Bilbija and Carl Berg (see Part B), occasioned by “Inside Islam” (1981).
140.          “Ending Ambiguity: Reflections on the Palestinians.” Nation (December 5, 1981), 233(19):601-605.
141.          “Expectations of Inferiority.” New Statesman (October 16, 1981), 102(2639):21. On V.S. Naipaul’s An Islamic Journey.
142.          “Grey Eminence.” Review of Ronald Steel’s Walter Lippmann and the American Century. London Review of Books (March 5-18, 7.
143.          “Inside Islam.” Harper’s Magazine (January 1981), 262(1568):25-32. Excerpt from Covering Islam (1981).
144.          “Inside Islam: How the Press Missed the Story.” Current (February 1981), 230:44-56.
145.          Istishraq. Beirut: Lubnan, 1981. Translation of Orientalism (1978).
146.          “Lord Kim.” Review of John McClure’s Kipling and Conrad: The Colonial Fiction. Inquiry (December 7 & 21, 1981), 5(1):31-32.
147.          Orientalismus. Llllane Welssberg, tr. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1981. German translation of Orientalism (1978).
148.          “Reflections on the Palestinians. “ Nation (December 5, 1981), 233:601-605.
149.          She’elat Palestin. Ronit Lantin and Yaheli Amit, trs. Jerusalem: Mifras, 1981. Hebrew version of The Question of Palestine (1979).
150.          “Adding to the Mythology -- Reply.” [Letter] Nation (1982), 234(14):416.
151.          “Begin’s Zionism Grinds On.” New York Times (June 11, 1982), 131(45,341):31 (National Edition), A31 (Late Edition). Op-Ed page.
152.          “Blind Alleys on the Road to a Satisfactory Peace.” Guardian (Manchester, England) (March 24, 1982):12.
153.          “Bursts of Meaning.” Review, John Berger and Jean Mohr, Another Way of Telling. Nation (December 4, 1982), 235(19): 595-597.
154.          “The Formation of American Public Opinion on the Question of Palestine.” In Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial. Wilmette, Ill.: Medina Press, 1982.
155.          “From the Ashes of Beirut.” New Statesman (December 17 & 24, 1982), 104(2700 & 2701):19-22.
156.          “The Idea of Palestine.” Observer (London) (August 8, 1982), 9962:10.
157.          “Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists.” In These Times (September 8, 1982), 69(4):16.
158.          “L’Ignorance américaine.” Le Monde (July 16, 1982), 11,652:2.
159.          “In the Shadow of the West.” The Arabs. London: Chanel 4, 1982.
160.          “Israelis in Lebanon -- A Debate.” New Society (1982), 61(1033):375. With Y. Keinan.
161.          “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community.” Critical Inquiry (September 1982), 9(1):1-26. Also in W.J.T. Mitchell, ed., The Politics of Interpretation, pp. 7-3 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
162.          Oryantalizm: Doqubilim. Sömür geciligin kesif kolu. Nezih Uzel, tr. Istanbul: Pinar Yayinevi, 1982. Turkish translation of Orientalism (1978).
163.          “Orientalism: An Exchange.” [Letter] New York Review of Books (August 12, 1982), 29(13):44-46. On Bernard Lewis, “The Question of Orientalism,” New York Review of Books (June 24, 198 2), 29(11):49-56. Lewis’ reply is on pp. 47-48.
164.          “Palestinians in the Aftermath of Beirut: A Preliminary Stocktaking.” Arab Studies Quarterly (Fall 1982), 4(4):301-308. Issue is on “Lebanon and Palestine 1982.”
165.          “`Purifying’, Israelis Called It.” New York Times (September 29, 1982), 132(45,451):29(National Edition), A27(Late Edition). Op-Ed page.
166.          “Reflections on Recent American `Left’ Criticism.” In William V. Spanos, Paul Bové & Daniel O’Hara, eds., The Question of Textuality: Strategies of Reading in Contemporary American Criticism, pp. 11- 30. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. See “Reflections on Recent American `Left’ Criticism” (1979).
167.          Sharqshinasi: Sharqi kih afarldah’i Gharb ast. Asghar Askari Khanqah and Hamid Fuladvand, trs. Tehran: Mu’assasahi Matbu’atii `Ata’i, 1982. Persian translation of Orientalism (1978).
168.          “The Text, the World, the Critic.” In Paul Hernadi, ed., The Horizon of Literature, pp. 125-155. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. Revised version of “The Text, the World, the Critic” (1975).
169.          “Traveling Theory.” Raritan (Winter 1982), 1(3):41-67.
170.          “What, Really Can Israel Hope to Achieve by Its Invasion of Lebanon? Perhaps, a Stiffening of Palestinian Will.” Los Angeles Times (June 20, 1982), Part V:1, 2.
171.          “The Deprivation.” al-Karmel (1983), 8:14-32. In Arabic.
172.          “Edward Said Writes about a New Literature of the Arab World.” Review of Ahdaf Soueif’s Aisha. London Review of Books (July 7-20, 5(12):8.
173.          “Egyptian Rites.” Village Voice (August 30, 1983), 28(35):43-44, 46.
174.          “Experts are Dim on the Use of U.S. Force.” Los Angeles Times (September 25, 1983), 102(#4):1.
175.          “The Experience of Dispossession.” In Patrick Seale, ed., The Shaping of an Arab Statesman: Sharif Abd al-Hamid Sharaf and the Modern World, pp. 125-146. London: Quartet Books, 1983.
176.          Hanna K.: Palestine with a Human Face.” Village Voice (October 11, 1983), 28(41):1, 45. On Costa Gavras’ film Hanna K.
177.          “Literature as Values.” Review of Franco Moretti’s Signs Taken for Wonders: Essays in the Sociology of Literary Forms. New York Times Book Review (September 4, 1983), 88:9, 18.
178.          “Losses in Lebanon.” New York Times (June 10, 1983), 132(45,705):A27.
179.          “The Music Itself: Glenn Gould’s Contrapuntal Vision.” Vanity Fair (May 1983), 46(3):97-101, 127-128.
180.          “The Music Itself: Glenn Gould’s Contrapuntal Vision.” In In John McGreevy, ed., Glenn Gould: By Himself and His Friends, pp. 45-54. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies and Community.” In Hal Foster, ed., The AntiAesthetic: Postmodern Culture, pp. 135-159. Port Townsend, Wash.: Bay Press, 1983. See “Opponents, Audiences, Con stituencies and Community” (1982).
181.          “Palestinians in the Aftermath of Beirut.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1983), 12(2):3-9.
182.          (With Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Muhammad Hallaj and Elia Zureik.) A Profile of the Palestinian People. Chicago, IL: Palestine Human Rights Campaign, 1983.
183.          “The Remaking of a Writer.” Review of Zdzislaw Najder’s Joseph Conrad: A Chronicle and Frederick R. Karl and Lawrence Davies, eds., The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad. New York Times Book Review (December 11, 1983): 7, 30.
184.          “Response to Stanley Fish.” Critical Inquiry (December 1983), 10(2):371-373. Response to Stanley Fish, “Profession Despise Thyself: Fear and Self-Loathing in Literary Studies,” Critical Inquiry (December 1983), 10(2):349-364.
185.          “Secular Criticism.” Raritan (1983), 2(3):1-26.
186.          “Solidly Behind Arafat.” New York Times (November 15, 1983), 132 (45,863):A35. Op-Ed page.
187.          The World, the Text, and the Critic. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
188.          “Beginnings.” In Robert Boyers and Peggy Boyers, eds., The Salmagundi Reader, pp. 434-449. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. See “Beginnings” (1968).
189.          “Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle: An Exchange.” [Letter] New York Review of Books (August 16, 1984), 31(13):49. On Avishai Margalit’s “Israel: A Partial Indictment.” Review of Noam Chomsky’s The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians. New York Review of Books (June 28, 1984), 31(11):9. Margalit’s reply is on p. 51 of the same issue as Said’s letter.
190.          “Edward Said.” (Interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun) In Entretiens avec `Le Monde,’ Vol. 4, Civilisations, pp. 230-236. Paris: La Découverte/Le Monde, 1984. See “L’Orient, fantasme de l’Occident” (1980).
191.          “The Future of Criticism.” MLN (September 1984), 99(4):951-958.
192.          Haberlerim aginda islam. Istanbul: Dizerkonca Mathbaasi, 1984. Turkish translation by Alev Alatli of Covering Islam (19 ).
193.          “Jackson’s Heresy is Arguing that the Arabs Have a Case.” Los Angeles Times (January 8, 1984), 103(#4):1. Op-Ed page.
194.          “Jewish Sheep.” [Letter] London Review of Books (April 5-18, 1984), 6(6):4. Reply to Barry Shenker’s letter (see Barry Shenker in Part B.)
195.          “Lebanon.” [Sound recording] 1984. 1 sound tape reel (8 min.): 3 3/4 ips, mono., 7 in. Edward Said, Wolf Blitzer and Joseph Sisco discuss the condition of Lebanon with Bryant Gumble. Broadcast on the NBC-TV Today Show, Februar y 1984.
196.          “Michel Foucault, 1927-1984.” Raritan (Fall 1984), 4(2):1-11.
197.          “The Mind of Winter: Reflections on Life in Exile.” Harper’s Magazine (September 1984), 269:49-55.
198.          “‘Our’ Lebanon.” Nation (February 18, 1984), 238(6):180-181.
199.          “‘Permission to Narrate’ -- Edward Said Writes about the Story of the Palestinians” London Review of Books (February 16-29, 1984), 6(3):13-17.
200.          “Reflections on Exile.” Granta (Autumn 1984), 13:159-172.
201.          “Seeing Through the Story.” Review, Benita Parry, Conrad and Imperialism: Ideological Boundaries and Visionary Frontiers and Cedric Watt, The Deceptive Text: An Introduction to Covert Plots. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (October 12, 1984), 4254:11-49.
202.          The World, the Text, and the Critic. London: Faber, 1984. British edition of the Harvard University Press book published in 1983.
203.          Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Columbia University Press, Morningside Book, 1985. A paperback reprint of the edition published by Basic Books in 1975. Includes a new preface for this Morningside edition, pp. xi-xiv.
204.          “Conspiracy of Praise.” Review of Joan Peters’From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine. Middle East Research and Information Project [Merip Reports] (October-December 1985), 15(8-9)[136-137]: 35-38.
205.          “Conspiracy of Praise.” Review of Joan Peters’ From Time Immemorial. Nation (October l9, 1985), 241(12):London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. British edition of Covering Islam (1981).
206.          “La Critique littéraire avancée et le monde extérieu.” Gerard Defaux and Josué Hararl, trs. Critique (May 1985), 41(456):478-505.
207.          “Fellow Semites -- Reply.” [Letter] Nation (1985), 241(21) :666.
208.          Filistin’in sorunu. Istanbul: Pinar, 1985. Turkish translation by Alev Alatli of The Question of Palestine (1979).
209.          “Himself Observed.” Review of George Steiner: A Reader. Nation (March 2, 1985), 240(8):244- 246.
210.          “How Not to Get Gored.” Review of Ernest Hemingway’s The Dangerous Summer. London Review of Books (November 21, 1985), 7(20):19-20.
211.          “An Ideology of Difference.” Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1985), 12(1):38-58.
212.          “In the Shadow of the West.” (Interview conducted by Jonathan Crary and Phil Mariani) Wedge (Winter-Spring 1985), 7-8: 4-11.
213.          Photographs and accompanying text taken from the television film In the Shadow of the West, scripted by Edward Said for the BBC production, The Arabs, see “In the Shadow of the West” (1982) and “Shadow of the West” (1982).
214.          “John Berger.” In Harold Bloom, ed., Twentieth Century British Literature. Vol. 1, pp. 185-187. The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. See “Bursts of Meaning” (1982).
215.          “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies and Community.” In Hal Foster, ed., Postmodern Culture, pp. London: Pluto Press, 1985. See “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies and Community “ (1982).
216.          Orientalism. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, Peregrlne Book, 1985. The British paperback reprint of the edition published in 1978.
217.          “Orientalism Reconsidered.” Cultural Critique (Fall 1985), 1:89-107.
218.          “Orientalism Reconsidered.” Race & Class (Autumn 1985), 27(2):l-l5.
219.          “Orientalism Reconsidered.” In Francis Baxter, Peter Hulme, Margaret Iverson and Diana Loxley, eds., Europe and Its Others, pp. 14-27. Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, Ju ly 1984. Colchester: University of Essex, 1985.
220.          “Palestine Assessment.” [Letter] Times (London) (May 24, 1985), 62,146:15. Letter prompted by Robert Fisk’s “Who Will Speak for the Palestinians?” Times (May 16, 1985), 62,139:14.
221.          “Remembrances of Things Played: Presence and Memory in the Pianist’s Art.” Harper’s Magazine (November 1985), 271(1626) :69- 75.
222.          “The Shadow of the West.” [Videorecording] Directed by Geoff Dunlop. Falls Church, VA: Landmark Films, 1985. 1 videocassette (58 min. ): col., sd.; 1/2 in.
223.          “Who Should Speak for Palestinians?” New York Times (May 24, 1985), 134(46,419): A25.
224.          After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives. Photographs by Jean Mohr. New York: Pantheon; London: Faber, 1986.
225.          “America and Libya.” London Review of Books (May 8, 1986 ), 8(8):3.
226.          “Bada’il min Amrika al-Rasmiyyah.” al-Majalla (July 30, 1986).
227.          “Beirut Elegy. “ Harper’s Magazine (January “Books & the Arts: Our Holiday Lists.” Nation (December 27, 1986), 243(22):746.
228.          “Burdens of Interpretation and the Question of Palestine.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Autumn 1986), 16(1):29-37.
229.          “Dreams of Omniscience.” Review of Andrew Martin’s The Knowledge of Ignorance: From Genesis to Jules Verne. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (May 30, 1986), 4339:599.
230.          “Edward Said with Salman Rushdie.” [Videorecording] Writers in Conversation, 28. London: ICA Video; Northbrook, Ill: The Roland Collection, 1986. 1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 1/2 ln. Said talks with Salman Rushdie about his concerns regarding Palestinian identity and experience.
231.          “The Essential Terrorist.” Review of Benjamin Netanyahu, ed., Terrorism: How the West Can Win. Nation (June 14, 1986), 242 (23):828-833.
232.          “An Exchange: Exodus and Revolution.” Grand Street (Summer 1986), 5(4):246-259. Walzer:246-252. Said:252-259. See Said’s “Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading” (1986).
233.          “Foucault and the Imagination of Power.” In Davld Couzens Hoy, ed., Foucault: A Critical Reader, pp. 149-155. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.
234.          “The Horizon of R.P. Blackmur.” Raritan (1986), 6(2):29-50.
235.          “An Ideology of Difference.” In Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., ed., “Race,” Writing and Difference, pp. . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. 1986] See “An Ideology of Dif ference” (1985).
236.          “Al-I’lam al-Amriki wa al-Mu’aradah.” al-Majalla (June 25, 1986): .
237.          “Al-I’lam al-Amriki wa al-Sultah.” al-Majalla (April 23, 1986):
238.          (With Conor Cruise O’Brien and John Lukacs.) “The Intellectual in the Post-Colonial World: Response and Discussion.” Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1986), 70-71: 65-81.
239.          “Intellectuals in the Post-Colonial World.” Salmagundi (Sprlng-Summer 1986), 70-71:44-64.
240.          “An Interview with Edward W. Said.” (Interview conducted by Gary Hentzi and Anne McClintock) Critical Texts (Winter 1986), 3(2):6-13.
241.          Isuramu hôdô. Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1986. Japanese translation by Nobuo Asai and Sheigefumi Satô of Covering Islam (1981).
242.          “Al-Jami’at al-Amerikiyyah wa al-’Alam.” al-Majalla (March 12, 1986).
243.          (With John Lukacs and Gerald Graff.) “The Legacy of Orwell: A Discussion.” Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1986), 70-71:121-128.
244.          Editor. Literature and Society. Selected papers from the English Institute, 1978, new ser., 3. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. A paperback reprint of the edition published in 1980.
245.          “Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading. Arab Studies Quarterly (Summer 1986), 8(3):289-303.
246.          “Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading. Grand Street (Winter 1986), 5(2): 86-106.
247.          “Music.” Nation (October 25, 1986), 243(13):415-418.
248.          “Music: Die Walklüre; Aida; X.” Nation (December 6, 1986), 243(19):648-652.
249.          “On Palestinian Identity--A Conversation with Salman Rushdie.” New Left Review (1986), 160:63-80.
250.          “Orientalism Reconsidered.” In Francis Barker, et al., eds., Literature, Politics and Theory, pp. 210-229. A Selection of Papers from the Annual Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, 1976-1984. London: Methuen, 1986. See “Orientalism Reconsidered” (1985).
251.          “Pomp and Circumstance.” Nation (August 30, 1986), 243(5):150153. On Music festivals.
252.          “Reticences of an Orientalist.” Review of Bernard Lewis’ Semites and Anti-Semites. The Guardian (England) (November 21, 1986):13.
253.          “Al-Sabr al-’Arabi.” al-Majalla (October 15, 1986): .
254.          “Secular Criticism.” In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle, eds., Critical Theory Since 1965. pp. 605-622. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1986. See The World, the Text, and the Critic (1983), Introduction: Secular Criticism:130.
255.          “Al-Siyasah al-Thaqafiyyah.” al-Majalla (December 3, 1986): .
256.          “Tankar om exil.” (Translated by Mikael Lofgren) Ord och Bild [Sweden] 1:22-37.
257.          “Thalathat Wujuh li Amrika.” al-Majalla (September 9, 1986): .
258.          “Victims of the Pleasures of Hating: What Does It Mean to be a Palestinian? Edward Said Seeks to Explain the Nature of the Experience.” Guardian (England) September 13, 1986).
259.          (With others.) al-Waqi’ al-Filastini: al-madi wa-el-hadir wa-al mustaqbal. Cairo & Paris: Dar al-Fikr, 1986.
260.          (With others.) “Academic Freedom Under Fire in Jordan.” [Letter] New York Times (January 4, 1987), 136(47,009):16E.
261.          “Aida, spectacle imperial.” Lettre Internationale (Summer 1987), 13:5-9. French translation by Philippe Rouille of “The Imperial Spectacle” (1987).
262.          “Al-’Arab fi Amrika: Kharitah Musahhahah.” al- Majallah (February 5, 1987), : .
263.          “Asbab al-Taraju’ al-’Arabi.” al-Majalla (September 30, 1987), : .
264.          “Azmat Za’amah.” al-Majalla (March 11, 1987), : .
265.          “Cairo Recalled: Growing up in the Cultural Crosscurrents of 1940s Egypt.” House & Garden (Aprll 1987), 159(4):20, 24, 28, 32.
266.          “Al-Istishraq wa al-Sihyuniyyah.” al-Majalla (December 2, 1987), : .
267.          “A Jew Without Jewishness.” Review of Philip Roth’s The Counterlife. Guardian (England) (March 13, 1987)
268.          Editor, with Introduction and Notes. Rudyard Kipling, Kim, pp. . Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth, Mlddlesex: Penguin Books, “Kim: The Pleasures of Imperialism.” Raritan (1987), 7(2):27-64.
269.          “Edward Said: An Exile’s Exile.” (Interview with Matthew Stevenson.) Progressive (February 1987), 51(2):30- 34.
270.          “The Essential Terrorist.” Review of Benjamin Netanyahu, ed., Terrorism: How the West Can Win. Arab Studies Quarterly (Sprlng 1987), 9(2):195-203. See “The Essential Terrorist” (198 6).
271.          “The Imperial Spectacle.” Grand Street (Winter 1987), 6(2):82-104.
272.          “Interpreting Palestine.” Harper’s Magazine (March 1987), 274(1642):19-22.
273.          “Interview: Edward Said.” (With J. Murphy) Red Bass (New Orleans), (1987), 12:29-
274.          “Interview.” In Imre Salusinszky’s Criticism in Society: Interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman. Frank Kermode, Edward Said, Barbara Johnson, Frank Lenrtricchia and J. Hillis Miller, pp . 120- 148. New Accents. New York: Methuen, 1987.
275.          “Irangate: A Many-Sided Crisis.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Summer 1987), 16(4):27-49.
276.          “Irangate.” Review of Salman Rushdie’s The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey and Noam Chomsky’s Turning the Tide: US Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace, and a number of other publications. London Review of Books (May 7, 1987), 9(9):7-10.
277.          “Khayarat Amrika.” al-Majalla (July 22, “Lecture. “ [Sound recordlng] La Jolla, Calif.: Literature Dept., University of California, San Diego, 1987. 1 sound cassette ca. 65 min. analog, 1 7/8 ips. In this Robert C. Elliott memorial lecture Said discusses the relatio nship between culture and imperialism in the l9th and 20th centuries.
278.          “Limadha Ta’mal Qillah min al-Amrikiyyin al-’Arab li Hisab al- Sihyuniyyah.” al-Majalla (April 29, 1987): .
279.          “Maestro for the Masses.” Review of Joseph Horowitz’ Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and Helped Create a New Audience for Old Music. New York Times Book Review (March 8, 1987), 92(10):7, 9.
280.          “The MESA Debate: The Scholars, the Media, and the Middle East.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1987), 16(2):85- 104. The 20th Anniversary meeting of the Mlddle East Studies Association of North Ame rica sponsored a debate between Edward Said, Christopher Hitchens, Bernard Lewis and Leon Wieseitler on “The Scholars, the Media, and the Middle East.” Said’s contributions are on pp. 88-91, 99- 100.
281.          “Miami Truce.” Review of David Rieff’s Going to Miami: Exiles. Tourists and Refugees in the New America and Joan Didion’s Miami. London Review of Books (December 10, 1987), 9(2 2): 3, 5-6.
282.          “Music.” Nation (February 7, 1987), 244(5):158-160. On Feminism in Music, Alicia De Larrocha concert, Marilyn Horne concert, Joan Sutherland in Bellini’s I Puritani, Hildegarde Behrens in Fidelio and Berlioz’ Damnation of Faust.
283.          “Music.” Nation (March 14, 1987), 244(10):336-338.
284.          “Music: The Barber of Seville; Don Giovanni.” Nation (September 26, 1987), 245(9):”Music: Glenn Gould at the Metropolitan Museum.” Nation (November 7, 1987), 245 (15):533-535.
285.          “Music: The Vienna Philharmonic: The Complete Beethoven Symphonies and Concertos.” Nation (May 9, 1987), 244(18):”Palestine and the Future of the Arabs.” In Hani A. Faris, ed., Arab Nationalism and the Future of the Arab World, pp. . Proceedings of the 17th and 18th Conventions of the Arab-American University Gradua tes. AAUG Monograph Series, 22. Belmont, Mass.: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, “La Question palestinienne et le poids de l’interpretation.” Revue d’Etudes Palestiniennes (Paris) (Winter 1987), 22:”Qissatuna Allati La Ya’rifuha al-’Alam.” al-Majalla (December 30, 1987):
286.          “Semites and Anti-Semites.” Review of Bernard Lewis’ Semites and Anti-Semites. Arab Affairs (Spring 1987), 1(3):”Shaja’at Siyasah Kharijiyyah Muflasah.” al-Majalla (October 28, 1987(8?): .
287.          “US Media Portrays Palestinians as ‘Terrorists’.” Guardian (England) (November 4, 1987), 40(6):19.
288.          “Wrong Analogy.” [Letter] London Review of Books (November 26, 1987), 9(1):4.
289.          “Alexander the Brilliant.” Review of Alexander Cockburn’s Corruptions of Empire. London Review of Books (February 18, 1988), 10(4):17.
290.          “American Intellectuals and the Middle East.” [Interview] Social Text (Fall 1988), 19:37.
291.          “Aqiamm Isra’iliyyah Tantaqid al-Tarikh al-Isra’ili al-Muzawwar.” al-Majalla (September 28, 1988): .
292.          “Arafat’s Agenda.” New Statesman & Society (December 2, 1988) 1(26):26-27.
293.          Editor (with Christopher Hitchens.) Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question. London: Verso, 1988. Includes: “Introductlon,” pp. 1-19; “The Essential Terrorist,” pp. 149-158; Michael Walzer’s “Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading,” pp. 159-178; “A Profile of the Palestinian People,” (with Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Muhammad Hallaj and Elia Zureik), pp. 235-296.
294.          “Crisis [in Orientalism].” In David Lodge, ed., Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, pp. 295-309. Longman, 1988. Excerpt from Orientalism (1978).
295.          Translator. “Declaration of Independence.” Al-Fajr [East Jerusalem newspaper] (November 28, 1988):5. Issued at the PNC Congress meeting in Tunis on November 15, 1988.
296.          “Films: Wedding in Galilee; Friendship’s Death.” Nation (May 28, 1988), 246(21):765-767.
297.          “Goodbye to Mahfouz.” London Review of Books (December 8, 1988), 10(22):10-11.
298.          “How to Answer Palestine’s Challenge.” Mother Jones (September 1988), 13(7):16-18.
299.          “Identity, Negation and Violence.” New Left Review (September-October 1988), 171:46-60.
300.          “Al-I’lam al-Gharbi wa Isa’at Tawdif al-Arqam.” al- Majalla (March 2, 1988): .
301.          “Al-Intifadah al-Filastiniyyah wa Wasa’il al-I’lam.” al- Majalla (January 27, 1988): .
302.          “Last Dispatches from the Border Country: Raymond Wllllams, 1921-1988.” Nation (March 5, 1988), 246:310.
303.          “Lawrence of Arabia.” Review of the movie. Wall Street Journal (February 21, 1988):18(W), 19(E).
304.          “Ma Dakhal Isra’il fi Ja’izat Najib Mahfuz.” al- Majalla (November 6, 1988): .
305.          “Marhalat al-Jaza’ir wa ma Ba’daha.” al-Majalla (December 21, 1988): .
306.          “Meetlng with the Old Man.” Interview (December 1988), 18(12):112-115, 194. On a meetlng with Arafat in Tunis.
307.          “Michel Foucault, 1927-1984.” In Jonathan Arac, ed., After Foucault: Humanistic Knowledge, Postmodern Challenges, pp. 1-11. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1988. See “Michel Foucault, 1927-1984” (1984).
308.          “Music: Giulio Cesare.” Nation (November 14, 1988), 274(14):505-508.
309.          “News of the World.” VLS [Village Voice Literary Supplement] (October 1988), 68:14. Part of “Where Do We Go From Here? 17 Critics Read Between the Lines.”
310.          “Orientalism Revisited.” [Interview] Middle East Research & Information Project [Merip Reports] (January-February 1988), 150:2-36.
311.          “Our March to Self-Determination is Now Irreversible.” Washington Post (Aprll 26, 1988):Al9.
312.          “Pacification’ of Gaza.” [Letter] New York Times (February 5, 1988):A30.
313.          “Palestine Agenda.” Nation (December 12, 1988), 247(18):637-638.
314.          “Palestine Agenda.” New Statesman (December 2, 1988): .
315.          “The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.” In K.M. Newton, ed., TwentiethCentury Literary Theory: A Reader, pp. 165-170. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988. See “The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions” (1978).
316.          “Al-Qadiyyah al-Filastiniyyah fi Intikhabat al-Ri’asah al-Amrikiyyah.” al-Majalla (August 17, 1988): .
317.          “The Quest for Gillo Pontecorvo.” Interview (November 1988), 18(11):90-93.
318.          “Some Satisfactions for the Palestinians.” New York Times (January 8, 1988), 137(47,378):A31.
319.          “Spurious Scholarshlp and the Palestinian Question.” Race & Class (Winter 1988), 29(3):23-39. The Introduction to Blaming the Victims (1988).
320.          “Through Gringo’s Eyes: With Conrad in Latin America.” Harper’s Magazine (Aprll 1988), 276(1655):70-72.
321.          Yeats and Decolonization. Field Day Pamphlets, Series, 5, Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature. Field Day, 1988.
322.          “What Camus Forgot Too: André Gide’s Adventures in North Africa.” [Condé Nast’s] Traveler (April 1988):.
323.          “C.L.R. James: A Life Beyond the Boundaries.” Washington Post (March 5, 1989).
324.          “Dealing with Rushdie’s `Complicated Mixture’.” Washington Post (February 27, 1989):A9.
325.          “Jane Austen and Empire.” In Terry Eagleton, ed., Raymond Williams: Critical Perspectives, pp. 150-164. Northeastern University Press, 1989.
326.          “Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading.” In Ben Sonnenberg, ed., Performance & Reality: Essays from “Grand Street,” pp. 97-117. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1989. See “Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading” (1986).
327.          “Music: Bluebeard’s Castle; Erwartung.” Nation (March 6, 1989), 248(9):314-317.
328.          “Music: Falstaff; Barenboim Conducts.” Nation (Aprll 10, 1989), 248(14):498-500.
329.          “Naqa al-Madi: Haqiqah am Usturah? ‘Uqdah Tarikhiyyah fi al-’Ilaqat al-Kharijiyyah alAmrikiyya.” al-Majalla (February 15-21, 1989), 471:16-17.
330.          “Opponents, Audiencies, Constituencies and Community.” In Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh, eds., Modern Literary Theory: A Reader, pp. 248-258. London: Arnold, 1989.
331.          “Orientalizing the Oriental.” In Dan Latimer, ed., Contemporary Critical Theory, pp. 253-277. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989. See Orientalism (1978), “Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental.”
332.          “Representing the Colonized: Anthropology’s Interlocutors.” Critical Inquiry (Winter 1989), 15(2):205-225.
333.          “Response.” Critical Inquiry (Spring 1989), 15(3):634-646. Responds to Robert J. Griffin and Daniel and Jonathan Boyarin, see the second part of this bibliography: Works about Edward Said.
334.          Review of Paul Buhle’s C.L.R. James: The Artist as Revolutionary New Left Review (May-June 1989):126-128.
335.          “The Satanic Verses and Democratic Freedoms.” Black Scholar (March-April 1989), 20(2):17-18.
336.          “Ta’ammulat Nihayat al-’Am: 1988-1989: a-Injazat wa al-Tahadiyyat.” al-Majalla (January 11, 1989).
337.          “Yeats and Decolonization.” In Barbara Kruger and Phil Mariani, eds., Remaking History, pp. 3-29. Discussions in Contemporary Culture, 4. Seattle: Bay Press, 1989.
338.          See “Yeats and Decolonization” (1988).
339.          “Again Palestinians Suffer.” New York Times (March 6, 1990:A19(N), A23(L).
340.          “Arabesque.” New Statesman & Society (September 7, 1990), 3(117):31-32. Interview with Edward Ball.
341.          “Comments.” New York Times (August 13, 1990):A4. Telephone interview by Eric Pace and Alessandra Stanley on the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and President Bush’s actions in the Gulf.
342.          “The Discourse of the Orient.” In Dennis Walder, ed., Literature in the Modern World: Critical Essays and Documents, pp. 234-244. Oxford: Oxford University Press/Open University Press, 19 90. See Orientalism (1978), pp. 1-9, 226-230.
343.          “Embargoed Literature.” Nation (September 17, 1990), 251(8):278-280.
344.          “Figures, Configurations, Transfigurations.” Polygraph (1990), 4:9-34.
345.          “Figures, Configurations, Transfigurations.” Race and Class (July-September 1990), 32:1-16.
346.          “‘A Formula for More Husseins’: An Interview with Edward W. Said.” LA Weekly (August 31-September 6, 1990), 12(39):19, 25.
347.          “Hommage to a Belly Dancer.” London Review of Books (September 13, 1990), 12(17):6-7.
348.          “Israel, Palestine and Intifida: Reply.” Critical Inquiry (Spring 1990), 16(3):697-698.
349.          “Narrative, Geography and Interpretation.” New Left Review (March-April 1990):81-97.
350.          Orientalismo. S.L.: Prodhufi, 1990. Spanish translation by María Luisa Fuentes of Orientalism (1978).
351.          “Third-World Intellectuals and Metropolitan Culture.” Raritan (Winter 1990), 9(3):27-50.
352.          “Yeats and Decolonization.” In Dennis Walder, ed., Literature in the Modern World: Critical Essays and Documents, pp. 34-41. Oxford: Oxford University Press/Open University Press, 1990. See Yeats and Decolonization (1988).
353.          “Art & National Identity: A Critics’ Symposium.” Art in America (September 1991), 79(9):80-85. Panel discussion.
354.          “Criticism, Culture, and Performance: An Interview with Edward Said.” Performing Arts Journal (January 1991), 37:21-42. Interview conducted by B. Marranca.
355.          “Empire of Sand.” Guardian [London] (January 12, 1991), Supplement:4-7.
356.          Identity, Authority and Freedom: The Potentate and the Traveller. T.B. Davie Memorial Lecture, 31. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 1991. A lecture delivered in May 22, 1991 at the University of Cape Town.
357.          “Identity, Authority and Freedom: The Potentate and the Traveller.” Transition (1991), 54.
358.          “Korngold: Die Tote Stadt; Beethoven: Fidelio; John Adams: The Death of Klinghoffer.” Nation (November 11, 1991), 253(16):596-600.
359.          “Literature, Theory and Commitment: II.” In Kenneth Harrow, Jonathan Ngaté, and Clarisse Zimra, eds., Crisscrossing Boundaries in African Literatures, 1986, pp. 65-69. Annual Selected Papers of the African Literature Association. Washington, DC: Three Continents Press, 1991. Part of a Symposium with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Gayatari Chakravorty Spivak.
360.          Musical Elaborations. The Wellek Library Lectures at the University of California, Irvine. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.
361.          “The Old Lie.” New Statesman & Society (July 12, 1991), 4(159):22-24.
362.          Orientalizm. Seoul: Kyobo mun-go, 1991. Korean translation by Homg-kyu Park of Orientalism (1978).
363.          Orient’allijum. Warsaw: Panst. Instytut Wydawniczy, 1991. Polish translation by Witold Kalinowski of Orientalism (1978).
364.          “Patriotism.” Nation (July 15, 1991), 253(3):116.
365.          Peace in the Middle East. Open Magazine Pamphlet Series, 13. Westfield, New Jersey: Open Media, 1991. 21pp.
366.          “Poor Man at the Table.” Guardian [London] (October 30, 1991):19.
367.          “Self-Help is the First Step for Palestine.” Guardian [London] (March 17, 1991):20.
368.          “Andras Schiff; Russell Sherman; Wagner: Parsifal; Maurizo Pollini; Britten: Billy Budd; Riccardo Muti; Lully: Atys.” Nation (October 26, 1992), 255(13):481-484.
369.          “Culture and the Vultures.” Higher [Times Higher Education Supplement] (January 24, 1992):15-19.
370.          “The Ghosts of Versailles.” Nation (March 9, 1992), 254(9):312-314.
371.          “Holy Land of My Fathers.” Observer [London] (November 1, 1992):49-50.
372.          “Iphigenia at Aulis & the Bacchae.” Grand Street (Spring 1992), 11(2):151-173.
373.          “A New Dawn Born in Pain.” Observer [London] (November 15, 1992):55.
374.          “Palestine, Then and Now.” Harper’s Magazine (December 1992), 285(1711):47-55.
375.          “Peace and the Middle East.” Journal of Communication Inquiry (Winter 1992), 16(1):5-19.
376.          “Rays of Light for the Palestinians.” Observer [London] (November 8, 1992):51.
377.          Review of Ahdaf Souief’s In The Eye of the Sun. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (June 19, 1992), 4655:19.
378.          “Why Palestine Should Stand up for Itself.” Guardian [London] (September 30, 1992):19.
379.          “Arafat’s Deal.” Nation (September 20, 1993), 257(8):269-270.
380.          “Conversation with Edward Said.” Queen’s Quarterly (Fall 1993), 100(3):665-674. Interview conducted by E. Wachtel.
381.          Culture and Imperialism. The T.S. Eliot Lectures at the University of Kent 1985. New York: Knopf/Random House, 1993.
382.          “Gay and Pepusch: The Beggar’s Opera.” Nation (January 25, 1993), 256(3):99-100.
383.          “Gods That Always Fail.” Independent [London] (July 291993):18.
384.          “Holding Nations and Traditions at Bay.” Independent [London] (July 11993):14.
385.          “Hostile Territory.” Guardian [London] (June 23, 1993), Supplement:4-5. Interview with Anne Karpf.
386.          “The Importance of Being Unfaithful to Wagner.” Review of Barry Millington and Stewart Spencer, eds., Wagner in Performance, Paul Lawrence Rose’s Wagner: Race and Revolution, Ulrich Müller and Peter Wapnewski, eds., Wagner Handbook, and Edmond Michotte’s Richard Wagner’s Visit to Rossini and An Evening at Rossini’s in Beau-Séjour. London Review of Books (July 1, 1993), 15(3):11-12. Cover-title: “Wagner in Israel.”
387.          See Michael Tanner’s letter “Unfaithful to Wagner.” London Review of Books (February 25, 1993), 15(4):4, Edward Said’s reply London Review of Books (March 25, 1993), 15(6):4, and Paul Lawrence Rose’s letter London Review of Books (March 25, 1993), 15(6):4 and Edward Said’s reply to him in the same issue. More letters by Yitzhak Laor, Peter Best, Michael Tanner and Edward Said under the heading “Unfaithful to Wagner” in London Review of Books (April 22, 1993), 15(8):4.
388.          “Intellectual Exile: Expatriates and Marginals.” Grand Street (Fall 1993), 12(3):112-124.
389.          “Intellectual Exile: Expatriates and Marginals.” Independent (July 8, 1993):16.
390.          “An Interview with Edward W. Said.” Boundary 2 (Spring 1993), 20(1):1-25. Interview conducted by Joseph A. Buttigieg, Paul A. Bove.
391.          “The Lost Liberation.” Guardian (September 9, 1993):20.
392.          “The Morning After.” London Review of Books (October 20, 1993), 20(21):3, 5.
393.          Cover-title: “Edward Said: Why the Israeli-PLO pact is a historic capitulation.”
394.          “Nationalism, Human Rights, and Interpretation.” Raritan (Winter 1993), 12(3):26-51.
395.          “Orientalism and After: An Interview with Edward Said.” Radical Philosophy (Spring 1993), 63:22-32.  Interview conducted by A. Beezer and P. Osborne.
396.          “A Palestinian Versailles.” Progressive (December 1993), 57(12):22-26.
397.          “Professionals and Amateurs.” Independent (July 15, 1993):14.
398.          “Radical Chic.” Independent on Sunday [London] (February 7, 1993), Review Supplement:10-12. Interview with Zoe Heller.
399.          “Representations of the Intellectual.” Independent (June 24, 1993):24.
400.          “The Scope of Orientalism.” In Napoleon in Egypt: Al-Jabarti’s Chronicle of the First Seven Months of the French Occupation, 1798. By ‘Abd al-Rahman Jabarti. Introduction by Robert L. Tignor. Translation by Smuel Moreh. Princeton, NJ: Wiener, 1993.
401.          “Speaking Truth to Power.” Independent (July 22, 1993):12.
402.          “At Miss Whitehead’s.” Review of Edmund Wilson’s The Sixties: The Last Journal, 1960-1972. London Review of Books (July 7, 1994), 16(13):3, 5.
403.          “Berlioz: Les Troyens.” Nation (June 27, 1994), 258(25):916-919.
404.          Cultuur & Imperialisme. Amsterdam: Atlas, 1994. Dutch translation by Luud Dorresteyn of Culture and Imperialism (1993).
405.          “Declaration of Dependence.” New Statesman & Society (February 11, 1994), 7(289):18-20. On Oslo Declaration of Principles between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel.
406.          “Diary.” London Review of Books (April 7, 1994), 16(17): 29. Cover-title: “Edward Said: Reflections on the Hebron Massacre.”
407.          “For Palestinian Independence: Rally and Resist.” Nation (February 14, 1994), 258(6):190-193.
408.          “Gods that Always Fail.” Raritan (Spring 1994), 13(4):1-13.
409.          “Hebron was Inevitable.” Progressive (May 1994), 58(5):25-27.
410.          “Identity, Authority and Freedom: The Potentate and the Traveller.” Boundary 2 (Fall 1994), 21(3):1-17.  See “Identity, Authority and Freedom: The Potentate and the Traveller” (1991).
411.          “Ignoble Prize.” Progressive (December 1994), 58(12):18-20.
412.          “Music as Gesture.” Nation (January 17, 1994), 258(2):65-68.
413.          “On Mahmoud Darwish.” Grand Street (Winter 1994), 12(4):112-115.
414.          The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with David Barsamian. Monroe. ME.: Common Courage Press, 1994.
415.          The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969-1994. New York: Pantheon Books, 1994.
416.          Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 Reith Lectures. New York: Pantheon Books, 1994.
417.          “Second Thoughts on Arafat’s Deal.” Harper’s Magazine (January 1994), 288(1724): 15-18.
418.          “Who is worse?” London Review of Books (October 20, 1994), 20(20):19.
419.          “Adorno as Lateness Itself.” In Malcolm Bull, ed., Apocalypse Theory and the Ends of the World, pp. 264-281. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. Wolfson College Lectures.
420.          “Arafat’s Mess of Pottage.” World Press Review (January 1995), 42(1):51-52.
421.          “Bach’s Genius, Schuman’s Eccentricity, Chopin’s Ruthllessness, Rosen’s Gift.” Review of Charles Rosen’s The Romantic Generation. London Review of Books (September 21, 1995), 17(18):10-11.
422.          “Contra Mundum.” Review of Eric Hobsbawn’s Age of Extremes: The Short 20th Century 1914-1991. London Review of Books (March 9, 1995), 17(5):22-23.
423.          “On Jean Genet’s Late Works.” In J. Ellen Gainor, ed., Imperialism and Theatre: Essays on World Theatre, Drama and Performance, pp. 230-242. London: Routledge, 1995.
424.          “On the Concealed Side.” Review of Nadine Gordimer’s Writing and Being. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (December 1, 1995), 4835:7.
425.          Peace and Its Discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East Peace Process. Preface by Christopher Hitchens. New York: Vintage, 1995. Published in Britain as Peace and Its Discontents: Gaza-Jericho, 1993-1995. London: Vintage, 1995.
426.          Conclusion: The Middle East “Peace Process”: Misleading Images and Brutal Actualities (October 1995):147-164.
427.          Appendix: Interview with Edward Said by Abdullah al-Sinnawi, Al-Arabi, Cairo (January 30, 1995):165-185. (Translated by Joseph Massad)
428.          “Preface.” In Mikhail Hanna’s Politics and Revelation: Mawardi & After, pp. vii-xiv. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1995.
429.          “Symbols versus Substance: A Year after the Declaration of Principles.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1995), 24(2):60-72. Interview conducted by Mouin Rabbani.
430.          “What is Islam?” New Statesman & Society (February 10, 1995), 8(339):20-22. Interview conducted by Alexander Cockburn.
431.          “Arafat’s Palestine.” [Letter] London Review of Books (October 17, 1996), 18(20):4. Response to Ira Katznelson’s letter, October 3, 1996.
432.          Cultura e Imperalismo. Colleccion Argumento, 187. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1996. Spanish translation by Nora Catelli of Culture and Imperialism (1993).
433.          “Fantasy’s Role in the Making of Nations.” Review of Jacqueline Rose’s States of Fantasy. TLS [Times Literary Supplement (August 9,1996), 4871:7-8.
434.          “From Orientalism.” In Padmini Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, pp. 20-36. London: Arnold, 1996.
435.          “Fury of the Dispossessed.” Observer [London] (September 29, 1996):23.
436.          Des intellectuels et du Pouvoir. Paris: Seuil, 1996. French translation by Paul Chemla and Dominique Edde of Representations of the Intellectual (1994).
437.          “An Intifada Against Betrayal, Despair.” Los Angeles Times (October 2, 1996):B9.
438.          “Lost Between War and Peace: In Arafat’s Palestine.” London Review of Books (September 5, 1996), 18(17):10-15.
439.          “The Morning After.” In Jane Hindle, ed., London Review of Books: An Anthology, pp. 32-42. London & New York: Verso, 1996. Table of Contents title: “Arrafat Surrenders.” Reprinted from the October 20, 1993 issue of London Review of Books.
440.          Representaciones del Intelectual. Barcelona; Buenos Aires; Mexico: Paidos, 1996. Spanish translation of Representations of the Intellectual (1994).
441.          Review of Judith Miller’s God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting from a Militant Middle East. Nation (August 12, 1996), 263(5):28-32.
442.          “Bombs and Bulldozers.” Nation (September 8, 1997), 265(7): 4-5.
443.          Così fan tutte at the Limits.” Grand Street (Fall 1997), 16(2) [62]:93-106.
444.          Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World. New York: Vintage, 1997. Updated and revised edition with a new Introduction (pp. xi-lxx, dated October 31, 1996) of Covering Islam (1981).
445.          “From Silence to Sound and Back Again: Music, Literature and History.” Raritan (Fall 1997), 17(2):1-21.
446.          “In the Chair.” Review of Peter Ostwald’s Glenn Gould: The Ecstasy and the Tragedy of Genius and Norman Lebrecht’s When the Music Stops: Managers, maestros and the Corporate Murder of Classical Music. London Review of Books (July 17, 1997), 19(14):3, 5-6. Cover-title “Edward Said: Analysing Glenn Gould.”
447.          “On ‘Fidelio’.” London Review of Books (October 30, 1997), 19(21):25-28.
448.          “The Real Meaning of the Hebron Agreement.” Journal of Palestine Studies (Spring 1997), 26(3):31-36.
449.          Introduction to Peter Sellars’ “Theater, Opera, and Society: The Director’s Perspective.” Grand Street (Summer 1997), 16(1) [61]:193. From a discussion in the Theater of Ideas series at the Miller Theater and the Center for Cultural and Historical Studies, Columbia University, October 27, 1996.
450.          “Between Worlds.” Edward Said makes sense of his life. London Review of Books (May 7, 1998), 20(9):3, 5-7.
451.          Così fan Tutte at the Limits.” In Philip Lopate, ed., The Anchor Essay Annual, pp. 297-314. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1998.
452.          “Daniel Barenboim & Edward Said: A Conversation.” Raritan (Summer 1998), 18(1):1-30. Presented on October 7, 1995 at Columbia University.
453.          “Edward Said Talks to Jacqueline Rose.” Critical Quarterly (Spring 1998), 40(1):72-89.
454.          “Opera Opposed to Opera: Così fan tutte and Fidelio.” Profession (1998):23-29.
455.          “An Orphaned People.” Nation (May 4, 1998), 266(16): 18-20.
456.          “The Panic of the Visual: A Conversation with Edward W. Said.” Boundary 2 (Summer 1998), 25(2):11-33. W.J.T. Mitchell conducts the interview.
457.          “The Blind Leading the Blind.” New Statesman (May 17, 1999), 128(4436):13-14.
458.          “Edward W. Said.” Progressive (April 1999), 63(4):34-38. David Barsamian interviews Edward Said.
459.          “Eqbal Ahmad, 1933-99.” Nation (May 31, 1999), 268(20):6-7. Cover-title “A Tribute to Eqbal Ahmad.”
460.          “International Books of the Year--and the Millennium.” TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (December 3, 1999), 5044:7.
461.          “An Interview with Edward Said.” Tikkun (March-April 1999), 14(2):11-15.Mark LeVine conducts the interview.
462.          Israel, Palestine: L’egalité ou rien. Paris: La Fabrique, 1999. Translated by Dominique Edde and Eric Hazan.
463.          “Keeping Time.” Harper’s (September 1999), 299(192):36-40. From “On Writing a Memoir” (1999).
464.          “Leaving Palestine.” New York Review of Books (September 23, 1999), 46(14):35-38.
465.          “Not all the Way to the Tigers: Britten’s ‘Death in Venice’.” Critical Quarterly (Summer 1999), 41(2):46-54.
466.          “On Writing a Memoir.” London Review of Books (April 29, 1999), 21(9):8-11. On the cover “Edward Said: Living by the Clock.”
467.          “The One-State Solution.” New York Times Magazine (January 10, 1999): 36-39.
468.          Out of Place: A Memoir. New York: Knopf, 1999.
469.          “The Presidency of the Modern Language Association--A Reply.” [Letter] PMLA (January 1999), 114(1):106-107.
470.          “Protecting the Kosovars?” New Left Review (March-April 1999), 234:73-75.
471.          “Tony Tanner.” Critical Quarterly (Summer 1999), 41(2):44-45.
472.          “America’s Last Taboo.” New Left Review (November/December 2000), 11(6):.
473.          “The Cruelty of Memory.” New York Review of Books (November 30, 2000), 47(19):46-50. Review of Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth by Naguib Mahfouz and ten other books by Naguib Mahfouz. Cover title: “The Great Mahfouz.”
474.          The Edward Said Reader. Edited by Moustafa Bayoumi and Andrew Rubin. New York: Vintage Books, 2000.
475.          “Embargoed Literature.” In Victor Navasky & Katrina Vanden Heuvel, eds., The Best of the Nation: Selections from the Independent Magazine of Politics and Culture, pp. 53-58. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press/Nation Books, 2000. Reprint of “Embargoed Literature” (1990).
476.          The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After. New York: Pantheon Books; London: Granta, 2000.
477.          “Glenn Gould, the Virtuoso as Intellectual.” Raritan (Summer 2000), 20(1):1-16.
478.          “Invention, Memory, and Place.” Critical Inquiry (Winter 2000), 26(2):175-192.
479.          “Palestinians under Siege.” London Review of Books (December 14, 2000), 22(24):9-10, 12-14.
480.          Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000.
481.           “The Clash of Ignorance.” Nation (October 22, 2001), 273(12):11-13.
482.          “Cosmic Ambition.” London Review of Books (July 19, 2001), 23(14):11-14. Review of Christian Wolff’s Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician.
483.          “Islam and the West are inadequate banners.” Observer [London] (September 16, 2001):27. On the events of September 11, 2001.
484.          “The Public Role of Writers and Intellectuals.” Nation (September 17, 2001), 273(8):27-28, 31-32, 34-36. Cover title “Writers Engagé.”
485.          Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said. Edited and with an Introduction by Gauri Viswanathan. New York: Pantheon Books, 2001.
486.          Reflections on Exile: and Other Literary and Cultural Essays. London: Granta, October 2001.

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