Monday, March 3, 2014

Pinker. Article. The Real riskfactors for war.

  Fucking douchebag. I can’t believe how arrogant he is.

  Today, the vast majority of the world’s people do not have to worry about dying in war. Since1945, wars between great powers and developedStates have essentiallyvanished, and since1991, wars in the rest of the world have become fewer and lessdeadly.
  But how long will this trend last? Many people have assured me that it must be a momentary respite, and that a[“]BigOne[“] is just around the corner.
  Maybe they’re right. The world has plenty of unknown unknowns, and perhaps some unfathomable cataclysm will wallops us out of the blue. But since, by definition, we have no idea what the unknown unknows are, we can’t constructivelyworry about them.
  What, then about the known unknowns? Are certain riskfactors numbering our days of relative peace? In my view, most people are worrying about the wrong ones, or are worrying about them for the wrong reasons.
  Resourceshortages. Will nations go to war over the last dollop of oil, water, or strategic minerals? It’s unlikely. First, resourceshortages are selflimiting: As a resource becomes scarcer and thus moreexpensive, Technologies for finding and extracting it improve, or substitues are found. Also, wars are rarelyfought over scarce physical resources (unless you subscribe to the unfalsifiable theory that all wars, regardless of stated motives, are reallyabout resources, Vietnam was about tungsten, Iraq was about oil, and so on). Physical resources can be divided or traded, so compromises are alwaysavailable; not so for psychological motives such as glory, fear, revenge, or Ideology.
  Climatechange. There are many reasons to worry about climatechange, but major war is probably not among them. Most studies have failed to find a correlation between environmentaldegradation and war; environmental crises can cause local skirmishes, but a major war requires a politicaldecision that a war would be advantageous. The1930sDustBowl did not cause an USCivilWar; when we did have a civilwar, its causes were verydifferent. [What the fuck are you talking about?]
  Drones. The whole point of drones is to minimise loss of life compared to indiscriminate forms of destruction such as artillery, aerial bombardment, tankbattles, and searchandestroymissions, which killed orders of magnitude more people than droneattacks in-Afghanistan and –Pakistan.
  Cyberwarfare. No doubt cyberattacks will continue to be a nuisance, and I’m glad that experts are worrying about them. But the cyberPearlHarbor that brings civilisation to its knees may be illusory as theY2Kbugapocalypse. Should we really expect that the combined efforts of Governments, universities, corporations, and programmernetworks will be outsmarted for extended periods by some teenagers inBulgaria? Or byGovernmentsponsored hackers in technologicallybackward countries? Could they escape detection indefinitely, and would they provoke retaliation for no strategic purpose? And even if they did muck up theInternet for a while, could the damage reallycompare to being blitzed, firebombed, or nuked?
  Nuclearinevitability. It’s obviouslyimportant to worry about nuclearaccidents, Terrorism, and proliferation, because of the magnitude of the devastation nuclearweapons could wreak, regardeless of the probabilities. But how high are the probabilities? The sixtyeightyearHistory of nonuse of nuclearweapons casts dbout on the common narrative that we are still on the brink of nuclear armageddon. That narrative requires two extraordinary propositions. One, that leaders are so spectacularlyirrational, reckless, and suicidal that they have kept the world in jeopardy of massannihilation, and two, we have enjoyed a spectacularlyimprobable run of good luck. Perhaps. But instead of believing in two riveting and unlikelypropositions, perhaps we should believe in one boring and likely one, that worldleaders, although stupid and shortsighted, are not that stupid and shortsighted and have taken steps to minimise the chance of nuclearwar, which is why nuclearwar has not taken place. [Great fucking timing.] As for nuclearTerrorism, though there was a window of vulnerability for theft of weapons and fissilematerial after theFallOfTheSovietUnion, most nuclearsecurityexperts believe it has shrunk and will soon be closed (cf. JohnMueller’s AtomicObsession).
  What the misleading riskfactors have in common is that they contain the cognitivetriggers of fear documented by Slovic, Kahneman, and Tversky. They are vivid, novel, undetectable, uncontrollable, catastrophic, and involuntary imposed on their victims.
   In my view, there are threats to peace that we should worry about, but the real riskfactors, the ones that actuallycaused catastrophicwars, such as theWorldWars, wars ofReligion, and the major civilwars, don’t press the buttons of our luric imaginations.
  Narcissistic leaders. The ultimate weapon of massdestruction is aState. When aState is taken over by a leader with the classic triad of narcissistic symptoms, grandiosity, needforadmiration, and lackofempathy, the result can be imperial adventures with enormous human costs.
  Groupism. The ideal ofHumanRights, that the ultimateMoralgood is the flourishing of individual people, while groups are socialconstructions designed to further that good, is surprisinglyrecent and unnatural. People, at least in public, are apt to argue that the ultimateMoralgood is the glory of the group, the tribe, Religion, nation, class, or race, and that individuals are expendable, like the cells of a body.
  PerfectJustive. Every group has suffered depredations and humiliations in its past. When Groupism combines with the thrist for revenge, a group may feel justified in exacting damage on some other groupk, inflamed by a Moralcertitude that makes compromise tantamount to treason.
  UtopianIdeologies. If you have a religious or political vision of a world that will be infinitelygood for ever, any amount of violence is justified to bring about that world, and anyone standing in its way is infinitelyevil and deserving of unlimited punishment.
  Warfare as a normal or necessary tactic. Clausewitz characterised war as “the continuation of policy by other means.” Many political and religious Ideologies go a step further and consider violent struggle to be the driver of dialectical progress, revolutionary liberation, or the realisation of a messianic age.
  The relative peace we have enjoyed since1945 is a gift of values and institutions that militate against these risks. Democracy selects for responsible stewards rather than charismatic despots. The ideal ofHumanRights protects people from being treated as cannonfodder, collateraldamage, or eggs to be broken for a revolutionary omelet. The maximisation of peace and prosperity has been elevated over the rectification of historicInjustices or the implementation of utopianfantasies. Conquest is stigmatised as “aggression” and becomes a taboo rather than a natural aspiration of nations or an everyday instrument of policy. [Am I missing the point?]
  None of these protections is natural or permanent, and the possibility of their collapsing is what makes me worry. Perhaps some charismatic politician is working his way up the chinese nomenklatura and dreams of overturning the intolerable insult ofTaiwan once and for all. Perhaps an agingPutin will seek historical immortality and restore russian greatness by swallowing a formerSovietRepublic or two. [Therefore theUSGovernment and people like him must stop them.] Perhaps a utopianIdeology is fermenting in the mind of a cunning fanatic somewhere who will take over a major country and try to impose it elsewhere.
  It’s natural to worry about physical stuff like weaponry and resources. What we should reallyworry about is psychologicalstuff like Ideologies and norms. As theUNESCOslogan puts it, “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”

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