Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sutherland. The Professional thief by a professional thief. Bibliography. UChiPress. 1937.

1.       Abels, A. Verbrechen als Beruf und Sport. Minden, 1914.
2.       Avé-Lallemant, Friedrich C. B. Das deutsche Gaunertum in seiner sozial-politischen, literarischen, und linguistischen Ausbildung zu seinem heutigen Bestande. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1858-62.
3.       Aydelotte, Frank. Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds. (“Oxford Historical and Literary Studies,” Vol. I) Oxford, 1913.

4.       Beger, Fritz. Die rückfälligen Betrüger. (“Kriminalistischen Abhandlungen” herausgegeben von Franz Exner, Heft VII.) Leipzig, 1929.
5.       Benton, Roger. Where Do I Go from Here? New York, 1936.
6.       Bingham, T.A. “The Organized Criminals of New York,” McClure’s Magazine, XXXIV (1909-10), 62-67.
7.       Black, Jack. You Can’t Win. New York, 1926.
8.       -. “A Burglar Looks At Laws and Codes,” Harper’s Magazine, CLX (February, 1930), 306-13.
9.       Booth, Ernest. Stealing Through Life. New York, 1929.
10.   Byrnes, Thomas. Professional Criminals of America. New York, 1886.

11.   Campbell, Helen. Darkness and Daylight. Hartford, 1892. (Part III, “Criminal Life and Experiences,” by Thomas Byrnes, pp. 641-740.
12.   Carpenter, Mary. Our Convicts. Our Convicts. London, 1864.
13.   Chamberlain, Henry B. “Some Observations concerning Organized Crime,” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, XXII (1931-32), 652-70.
14.   Chandler, Frank W. The Literature of Roguery. 2 vols. Boston, 1907. (Esp. chaps. iii-iv and x.)
15.   Clark, Charles L., and Eubank, Earle E. Lockstep and Corridor. Cincinatti, 1927.
16.   Coffey, John. “The Autobiography of an Ex-Thief,” Outlook and Independent, CLIV (February-April 1930), 421-23, 478-49, 502, 519-20, 538-39, 583-84, 598, 620.
17.   Colburn, J.G.W. The Life of Sile Doty. Toledo, 1880.
18.   Collier, W.R., and Westrate, E.V. Reign of Soapy Smith. Garden City, 1935.
19.   Crapsey, Edward. “Our Criminal Population,” Galaxy, VIII (1869), 345-54.
20.   -. “Why Thieves Prosper,” ibid., pp. 519-27.
21.   Crook, G.F. Complete Newgate Calendar. 5 vols. London, 1926.
22.   Cuénoud, C.E. Les Classes dangereuses de la population. Paris, 1879.

23.   Dougherty, George S. “The Public the Criminal’s Partner,” Outlook, CIV (August 23, 1913), 895-910.
24.   -. The Criminal as a Human Being. New York, 1924. (Esp. chaps. v-vi.)
25.   Dubuisson, Paul. “Les Voleuses des grands magazins,” Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, XVI (1901), 341.
26.   DuCamp, Maxime. Paris: ses organes, ses functions et sa vie. 6 vols. Paris, 1869-75. (Esp. Vol. III.)

27.   Edwards, Monroe. Life and Adventures of the Accomplished Forger and Swindler, Colonel Monroe Edwards. New York, 1848.

28.   Felstead, Sidney T. The Underworld of London. London, 1923.
29.   Frégier, A. Des Classes dangereuses de la population dans les grandes villes. 2 vols. Paris, 1840. (Esp. I, 205-54.)

30.   Gardner, Arthur R.L. Art of Crime. London, 1931.
31.   Grassberger, Roland. Gewerbs- und Berufsverbrechertum in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. (“Kriminologische Abhandlungen,” herausgegeben von W. Gleisbach, Heft VIII.) Vienna, 1933.
32.   Grimstad, Ludwig F. “Hotel-Room Prowlers, Connivers, and Sneak Thieves,” Saturday Evening Post, CCVI (June 30, 1934), 30 ff.
33.   Guerin, Eddie. I Was a Bandit. New York, 1929.

34.   Haggart, David. The Life of David Haggart. Edinburgh, 1821.
35.   Hambly, Charles R. Hold Your Money: A Sucker’s Handbook – Con Games Exposed. Los Angeles, 1932.
36.   Hapgood, Hutchins. Autobiography of a Thief. New York, 1903.
37.   Hayward, Arthur L. (ed.). A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the Most Notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, Shoplifts, and Cheats of Both Sexes (reprinted from 5th ed., 1719). London, 1926.
38.   Healy, William. The Individual Delinquent. Boston, 1915. (Esp. pp. 316-30.)
39.   Heindl, Robert. Der Berusverbrecher. 5th ed. Berlin, 1927.
40.   Herz, Hugo. “Assoziationen im Verbrechertum,” Monatsschrift für Kriminalpsychologie, III, 544.
41.   Horsley, J.W. “Autobiography of a Thief, in Thieves’ Language,” MacMillan Magazine, XL (1879), 500-506.

42.   Irwin, Will. Confessions of a Con Man. New York, 1909.

43.   John, Alfred. Die Rückfallsdiebe. (“Kriminalistische Abhandlungen,” herausgegeben von Franz Exner, Heft IX.) Leipzig, 1929.
44.   Johnston, James P. Grafters I Have Met: The Author’s Personal Experiences with Sharpers, Gamblers, Agents, and Their Many Schemes. Chicago, 1906.
45.   Joly, H. Le Crime: étude sociale. 4th ed. Paris, 1887.
46.   Judges, A.V. The Elizabethan Underworld. London, 1930.

47.   Karpman, Ben. The Individual Criminal. Washington, 1935. (Esp. pp. 278-83.)
48.   Keats, James H. The Destruction of Mephisto’s Web: Or All Grafts Laid Bare. Salt Lake City, 1914.
49.   Key, V.O. “Police Graft,” American Journal of Sociology, XL (March 1935), 624-36.
50.   King, Mort. “The Secrets of Yellow Kid Weil,” Real Detective Tales, January, 1931, pp. 44-51, 82-88; February, 1931, pp. 58-70.

51.   Landesco, John. “Organized Crime,” in Report of Illinois Commission on Criminal Justice. Chicago, 1929. (Esp. pp. 847, 1065-71, and 1083.)
52.   -. “The Criminal Underworld of Chicago in the Eighties and Nineties,” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. XXV (September, 1934 – March, 1935), 341-57, 928-40.
53.   -. “The Woman and the Underworld,” ibid., XXVI (March, 1936), 891-902.
54.   Laurent, J.B.E. Le Monde des voleurs, leur esprit et leur langue. Paris, 1862.
55.   Lynch, D.T. Criminals and Politicians. New York, 1932.

56.   McAdoo, William. Guarding a Great City. New York, 1906. (Esp. pp. 193-226.)
57.   MacDonald, Arthur. Criminology. New York, 1893.
58.   Maggs Brothers. A Gallery of Rogues: Outlaws of Society in Fact and Fiction. (Catalogue No. 630.) London, 1936. (Publisher’s catalogue of early publications on English thieves.)
59.   Mayhew, Henry. London Labour and London Poor. London, 1864. (Esp. Vol. IV.)
60.   Merriam, Charles E. Chicago. New York, 1929. (Esp. chap. ii.)
61.   Moley, Raymond. Tribunes of the People. New Haven, 1932.
62.   Moore, Langdon W. His Own Story of His Eventful Life. Boston, 1893.
63.   Moore, Maurice E. Fraud and Swindles. London, 1933.
64.   Moreau, William B. Swindling Exposed: Methods of the Crooks Explained. Syracuse, 1907.
65.   Moreau-Christophe, Louis. Le Monde des coquins. 2 vols. Paris, 1863-65.

66.   New York State. Report of Senate Committee on Police Department of the City of New York (Lexow Committee). Albany, 1895. (Esp. II, 1622-24, 1799-1831, and 2539-2641).
67.   -. Report of Committee on the Government of the City of New York (Hofstadter and Seabury Committee). 5 vols. in 2. New York, 1932.
68.   New York Times Index. “Pickpockets,” “Confidence Games,” etc. New York, 1913-.
69.   Norfleet, J. Frank. Norfleet: The Actual Experience of a Texas Rancher’s 30,000-Mile Transcontinental Chase after Five Confidence Men. Fort Worth, 1924. 2nd ed., Sugar Land, Tex., 1927.
70.   Northrop, W.B., and J.B. Insolence Office: The Story of the Seabury Investigation. New York, 1932.

71.   O’Connor, John J. Broadway Racketeers. New York, 1928.

72.   Pendrill, Charles. London Life in the Fourteenth Century. New York, 1925. (chap. viii, “Swindlers and Swindling”).
73.   “Pickpocket Trust,” Literary Digest, XLVIII (April 4, 1914), 768-73.
74.   “Pickpockets in Nippon,” ibid., LIII (September 16, 1916), 704-8.
75.   Proal, Louis. Political Crime. New York, 1898. (Esp. chap. vii.)
76.   “Professional Thieves,” Cornhill, VI (1862), 640-53.
77.   Piularaud, L. Les Malfaiteurs de profession. Paris, 1894.

78.   Report of [Chicago] City Council Committee on Crime. Chicago, 1915.
79.   Ribton-Turner, C.J. A History of Vagrants and Vagrancy. London, 1887.
80.   Rice, George G. My Adventures with Your Money. Boston, 1913.
81.   Rochlitz, C. Das Wesen und Treiben der Gauner, Diebe, und Betrüger Deutschlands. 1846.

82.   Schräder, T. Das Verbrecherthum in Hamburg. 1879.
83.   Seabury, Samuel. Final Report in the Matter of the Investigation of the Magistrates’ Courts. New York, 1932.
84.   Shaw, Clifford R., and McKay, Henry D. “Social Factors in Juvenile Delinquency,” in Report of the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, No. 13, Vol II. Washington, 1932. (Esp. pp. 232-39).
85.   Steffens, Lincoln. The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens. New York, 1931.
86.   Stoddard, William L. Financial Racketeering and How To Stop It. New York, 1931.
87.   Stoker, Bram. Famous Impostors. New York, 1910.

88.   “Technical School for German Pickpockets,” Literary Digest, XCIX (December 8, 1928), 16.
89.   “Thieves and Thieving,” Cornhill, II (1860), 326-44.
90.   Tozer, Basil. Confidence Crooks and Blackmailers. Boston, 1930.
91.   Trumble, Alfred. Famous Frauds: Or the Sharks of Society. New York, 1883.
92.   Tufts, Henry. The Autobiography of a Criminal. Ed. from the original ed. of 1807 by Edmund Pearson. New York, 1930.
93.   Turner, G.K. “The City of Chicago,” McClure’s Magazine, XXVIII (1907), 575-92.

94.   Van Cise, Philip S. Fighting the Underworld. Boston, 1936.
95.   Vidocq, P. Les Voleurs. Paris, 1837.

96.   Werner, M.R. Tammany Hall. Garden City, 1928.
97.   White, Frank M. “New York’s Ten Thousand Thieves,” Harper’s Weekly, L (December 29, 1906), 1892-93.
98.   White, George M. From Boniface to Bank Burglar. New York, 1907.
99.   Willard, Josiah Flynt. The World of Graft. New York, 1901.
100.            -. My Life. New York, 1908.
101.            Wulffen, Erich. Gauner- und Verbrecher-Typen. Berlin, 1910.

102.            Zimmerman, C.W. Die Diebe in Berlin. Berlin, 1847.

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